How to Brew Coffee

How to Brew Coffee

Coffee is a personal thing – the right way to make it is based on how you enjoy it most.

That being said, mastering a few fundamentals will allow you to perfect your skills. We suggest you to play around with various roasts, sources, or even preparation techniques.

Here are our top tips on how to prepare the perfect cup of coffee.

The Equipment

Make sure your equipment — from bean grinders and filters to coffee makers– are clean at the end of each use.

Rinse with clean, hot water (or wipe clean) and dry with an absorbent towel. It is important to ensure that no grounds have been left to collect, and also that there’s no build-up of coffee oils (caffeoyl) that could cause the next cup of coffee to taste bitter and rancid.

The Beans

A great cup of coffee begins with good beans. The flavor and quality of your coffee is not only determined by your favorite procedure for brewing, but by the kind of coffee you choose.

If you want to have the top-quality coffee beans that can be bought on the market you should check this seller’s coffee subscription services so you can enjoy a year-long coffee delivery to your address.

A few of the factors that influence flavor are:

  • The country and the region of origin
  • The variety of bean – robust, arabica, or a blend
  • The roast type
  • You can feel the texture in your grinding

While there’s a myriad of options to choose from, remember that there’s never a right or incorrect choice. For instance, you could choose an espresso that is dark and flavorful roast coffee, and grind it up to be brewed with drip systems. Have fun trying and enjoying different combinations.

The Grind

If you purchase the whole beans, always grind your beans at the same time to ensure maximum freshness. Mill or burr grinder is ideal since the coffee is grinded to a standard size.

Blade grinders are less recommended because certain beans will be ground more finely than the others. If you grind coffee in your home with the blade grinder, you should try having it ground at the market using a burr grinder – you’ll be surprised at the difference! (Whichever option you use be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when using your grinder and take note of any safety issues that need to be considered.)

The grind’s size is hugely important in the taste of your coffee. If your coffee is bitter the possibility is that it’s over-extracted or ground to a fine. However, if your coffee tastes flat, it might be over-extracted, which means that the grind isn’t as fine.

The Water

The water you drink is essential for the taste of coffee. Choose bottled or filtered water if the water you get from your tap is not a good quality and has an unpleasant odor or taste, like chlorine.

If you’re using tap water, allow it to run for for a few seconds prior to filling your coffee pot, ensure you’re using cold water. Avoid distilled or softened water.